
Savant Infocomm operates through a number of subsidiaries in Singapore, Malaysia and India.
In Singapore,
Infotech Solutions Pte Ltd is a division of Savant Infocomm and a long-standing player in the Singapore IT Solutions market with products and services specifically geared to the banking and finance industry. Infotech was formed in 1991 and has been servicing large banking and financial industry customers in the Asia-Pacific region. For more information on Infotech solutions, please visit the website www.itsoln.com.

Playware Studios is an independant game developer with studios in Singapore and India developing host of titles ranging from budget games to MMORTT games. Playware studios also offers reliable out-source services for Full Game, Concept, Documentation, Graphics, Illustration, Programming,Tools, Sound FX and Music Development. For more information on Playware Studios, please visit the web site www.playwarestudios.com
Savant operates Asia-wide via a number of divisions with specific industry and market concentration for:
- Developing IT Application products and providing project consulting services in the eBusiness / Web Services areas for the Financial Services industry. Services include application and business process outsourcing.
- Delivering IT training services to corporate and retail customers in the high-end technology area such as application and network security. The gamut of training services include:
- Instructor Led training delivery
- Blended Learning delivery via a combination of web-based and classroom training
- Development of training materials for specialized / custom-built training programs

In Malaysia, Savant operates in the Training Solutions space through multiple subsidiaries, each of whom is focused on a specific domain.
Open Learning Agency Malaysia operates one of the most successful financial training institutions:
- Kolej Kasturi is the largest course provider for the Chartered Financial Analyst program. For more information on Kolej Kasturi, please visit the website www.kasturi.edu.my
- Intellectual Challenge Malaysia runs the Institute of Management Studies ( IMS)
- IMS is a pioneer in Financial Training having trained more than 4000 graduates in the Certified Financial Planning (CFP) program. The Financial Planners Association of Malaysia ( FPAM) has appointed IMS as one of the only three institutions for conducting the CFP program
AEC Corporate Training and Consultancy Group consists of two companies : QLA Learning Associates specialize in business skills consultancy for executive development. Integrative Organisational Learning specializes in total quality management and ISO9000 consultancy that helps committed customers to lower costs, reduced waste, enhanced teamwork, greater customer success, increased profits, improved supply quality, improved communication, achieve greater market share and greater customer success.

In India, Savant Infocomm operates through Savant Infocomm Ltd (SIL). SIL assists companies in achieving business excellence through an integrated training approach that builds and develops potential of human resources within a company. We provide quality courses in partnership with some of the world class institutions. For more information on SIL, please visit the website www.savant-infocomm.co.in

